Thursday, October 4, 2007

Thoughts of the Night

I was hoping London would be filled with sex, and I've had none in the month that I've been here, but it's been a real surprise at how good I feel being here. It feels like home. I grew up in a city from which I don't originate from, I have therefore never felt completely at home there. I was born from a French mother and American father, and I now feel at home in London. It makes perfect sense, it's the right balance between both nations with a blend of people from all over the world around. Feels like home, because no one here is really home. No one is FROM London, even locals... they'll always tell you that they're from East London, or West London, or north of London, or a town close to London, or elsewhere in the UK: Birmingham, Manchester, Brighton, Portsmouth, etc... than you have the Irish, Scotts, Welsh, who insist they're absolutely not from London, and in the streets you hear French, German, Japanese, Arab, Polish, Russian, Chinese...
I love it.

I am looking fwd to coming to my current home (elsewhere in Europe) in a week. I miss my cat so much, it will be so comforting to see him again. Poor kitty will have to go through quarantine, but apparently the process can be made easier if I start taking care of it while I'm home. I also really look fwd to seeing Bella again (obviously). After a week of no-communication when it was actually my turn to give signs of life (advice from Nina to make her wait) I felt the urge to send her a text today while going to karaoke with my brother, nephew and a small group of friends. She replied at midnight saying that she envied me as she loves karaoke, and that she was looking fwd to hearing about it when i come back. Little things, little words that give me hope. I was tempted to overwrite to her, overshare my experience here, but not communicating too much, but quite regularly nonetheless has made it easier to enjoy my time here while not thinking too much about her, and about how I miss her. It's crazy to think that in my time away from home, which has been just a little over a month, She has left her boyfriend, the summer has left us for good (though today was spring like) and
I have almost completed a full screenplay (that project I've been writing about). It's even crazier to think that 2-3 months ago I was waking up each day thinking about ending my life as going through another day was a battle I didn't feel ready to face. It sounds absurd today, but at the time every second felt like a minute, and every minute felt like an hour.

I miss sex, but I'm not running after it. It will arrive. I feel calmer. Nina suggested I don't even contact Bella until I return, but I couldn't help myself and followed my instincts tonight. Nina's been a great coach. She understands the female mind very well, but at the same time she's always open to my interpretation and we end up finding a middle ground on what my next move should be. I IM her everytime I have a doubt about what my next move should be. Last week I was sulking because Bella had sent me a rather bland e-mail. Nina read it, reassured me right away, but told me to not answer until I come back "Let her desire you". It's silly, I don't agree with that concept, but I don't want to be pushy either so she's been good at keeping me in check. Making sure I don't do TOO much (which i sometimes tend to do and which freaks girls off it seems.) It doesn't feel like too much to me, but I guess it raises red flags in some girl's minds. One girl on Facebook wrote to me after a couple e-mail exchanges saying that she looovvveeed long e-mail and was so thrilled to find someone who liked that too and that if I were in Paris she would've invited me for tea right away, bla bla bla, etc, etc... It was almost tooo much but I was very pleased by her candid and honest comments and replied with a Long e-mail... Not too long but long. It wasn't rude or inapropriate, it was fine by my standards. She replied in 3 lines the next day saying "wow, that was one llooooong e-mail. bla bla bla ok i have to log off, this thing is really a disease!!" and i answered briefly a couple days later and since then Nada. Stupid online communication. Too many people to communicate with, too many platforms: IM, Social Networking, E-mail, Skype, Webcams, Poking, Photo Sharing, Blogging.... I'm addicted though. I wonder if I'll stop writing as soon as I have a gf. Tends to happen.
I'll probably write again as soon as problems arise in the couple... if I get to be in a couple again. Man it's been a long time.

Ok, again I failed to write about sex. I've been trying to check out "normal" sex on I'm tired of elaborate complicated positions with huge cocks and perfect blond shells with sweet asses. I simply want to see normal couples having sex and get turned on by those little details, moments, that make lovemaking an act of bliss and magic. Sounds cheesy doesn't it? I'll try to illustrate it with a link in the next post. For now it's back to bed. xx It's 3 fucking am.

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